
Saturday 3 May 2014


I heard a Teacher advising one of her student to befriend her classmate who is "from a cheap background and so doesn't match her family status", quoting the exact words by the teacher.
Now here the cheap background is not in terms of wealth, the child`s parents are getting divorced.

Its unfair!!
How come a child be at fault if the parents are fighting with each other?|?
How does he/she become cheap? why is he/she getting their rights denied?
Don't they deserve to live happily and to be treated equal with others?

So please wake up teachers. Be a 'Guru'. If the child is having a bad time at home, take the chance and substitute yourself as their parent. Give them some nice time at school. Mold them into beautiful human beings.

This kind of attitude of people and shame to mention teachers who are supposed to be the second mothers at so called 'home away from home' (school), give birth to cruel minds.
Because children when they are denied justice at a very young age turn out to be rebellious as they have none other than themselves to fight for their own rights.

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