
Saturday 3 May 2014

My experience with Angel Gabriel

In the book ‘Angel Therapy’, I read that Gabriel is the left hand of God. He is a messenger in all Christian and Muslim scriptures. Mostly journalists, writers, lawyers and other professions related to writing and communicating, call upon angel Gabriel. He will lead you till you finish your piece of work that you have already started. He serves those who call upon him. He is an angel of words. There are people who reported saying they had disturbances while sleeping till they finished their work. Gabriel is a perfectionist and will make you one too in your respective career.

Gabriel is often mentioned as ‘he’ but a fact is that an angel do not belong to any gender. Angels are pictured as cute tiny human figures with wings attached. Anyways Angels are just light. Hindus mention this Light as ‘Guru’ the shadow that leads us to through righteousness. People who report that they had seen angels, says that they saw a light. Angels are always connected to nature. You find them on flowers or in garden. You will have more Idea about how to keep angels happy etc from the book ‘Earth Angels’ by Doreen Virtue.
Again back on track, what I wanted to say was that I had an experience today early morning. Believe it or not I heard something whispering in my ears to get up and write. I woke up suddenly and turned around. I first thought it was my brother but he was asleep. I opened the curtain and saw the sky was still dark. I tried to sleep. Again as I sank into a deep sleep, something came near me and kept a watch next to my face on my pillow (was that an illusion?). I woke up with a bong and this time to my utter amazement I found an alarm clock on top of my pillow right next to where I slept. May be the clock fell from the table to the bed ending up on top of my pillow making a bong that woke me. But what made that happen??
I woke up before the entity (that is trying to wake me so badly) lose its patience.
I believe it was an angel, probably Gabriel angel who urged me to do my work before the fire in my heart extinguishes. Thank you my Angels!

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